Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 13-3/23-Nantahala Outdoor Center to Cody Gap-18.6 miles

There was 3000 feet of climbing out of the gorge to start the day. It began to rain as predicted maybe halfway up, and it increased with my altitude. My feet seem to stay dry even in light rain with the shoes I'm wearing, but it had quickly picked up enough to soak my feet. I did not see many people I knew throughout the day, in fact I didn't see many people at all. I passed a couple from Switzerland, Boots and Melody, who are also thru hiking. They are slow and steady, putting in lower mileage days and emphasizing pictures and meal preparation. I did dinner at a shelter at about mile 15, grabbed some water, and hit the trail again. Boots and Melody had caught up with me during my break, and we discussed staying at Cody Gap, maybe an hour away. There was a shelter about an hour past the gap which would have been possible to reach, but we all surmised it would be full as the last shelter had been empty late in the day. The gap offered tent sites and a water source. I reached it first and set up my tent only to find this little salamander(?) right next to it.I was told bright colors usually mean poisonous. Anyone know what it is?

Boots made some cous-cous with seasonings and tomato paste that he shared with me. It was delicious. We discussed Switzerland a bit and he reignited my interest in a trip to Europe. I went to bed around 8 and sometime in the middle of the night we received a big storm. The lightning did not seem to be close, but it was bright enough to light the inside of my tent and pound it with heavy rain. I slept fitfully the rest of the night.

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