The day started normal enough, but I quickly realized I had absolutely no energy. The day before had been a big one, and I'm convinced I simply didn't eat enough, even though I forced down two dinners before bed. I spent the entirety of the day attemting to catch up on food, eating bars much more often than usual and even stopping at Derrick Knob Shelter to cook lunch, something I have not done much. Mac and cheese with 800 calories plus a whole roll of summer sausage was on the menu, and I hoped that would get enough energy into my system to get me back up to speed. It didn't.
The six miles to that shelter had been harder than the entire previous day, and others that I talked to were feeling the same way. The day had no long ups or downs, but it was a series of many shorter ones. Dinner conversation turned to politics. I seemed to be alone in my stance that smaller government was better, with what seemed like a consensus developing that all social programs needed to be more effective was more funding. I enjoyed the debate for sure. Dan, you would have been all over that one, though I think I did a good job without you.
yeah, i woulda been! sounds fun.